Founder Tactics logo - Pilot virtual conference
Virtual Conference

Pilot's annual summit where founders can gain tactical insights from experts to take their startups to the next level.


Join unicorn CEOs and startup experts as they discuss the pressing questions founders are thinking about in today’s macro environment, actionable strategies to succeed, and top lessons learned from failed startups.


Actionable insights from unicorn founders

VC guidance based on thousands of investments

Advice industry experts wish they’d known sooner


Why attend Founder Tactics?

Actionable Insights

Learn strategies and tactics you can implement inside and outside your business from multi-time founders and VCs who have seen it all.

VC best practices

Discover what investors wish more startups knew, including how to avoid common mistakes and successful tactics they’ve seen across thousands of investments.

Expert advice

Get insider perspectives and dive deep into topics with subject matter experts to learn what successful founders wish they’d known sooner.

About Pilot

Pilot provides finance, accounting, and tax services for high-growth startups, from pre-seed to Series D.

We partner with thousands of startups to help them build iconic, enduring businesses.

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