9:00 am
10:00 am

Opening Keynote: Founder Confidential

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About this session

Join Immad Akhund, Co-founder and CEO of Mercury for an exciting keynote, where he'll share lessons learned from being both a founder and investor. Hear about his journey building Mercury, insights from his experience as a part-time YC partner, and mistakes seen as an angel across 300+ investments.

This session, moderated by Pilot CEO and Co-Founder Waseem Daher, will also include a live Q+A session at the very end.

Why attend Founder Tactics?

Actionable Insights

Learn strategies and tactics that you can implement both inside and outside of your business from multi-time founders and VC’s who have seen it all.

VC best practices

Discover what investors wish more startups knew including how to avoid common mistakes and successful tactics they’ve seen across their thousands of investments.

Expert advice

Dive deep into topics that successful founders wish they’d known about sooner with subject matter experts.

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